Friday, October 3, 2008


Marriage is an institution established by God almighty Himself. Is an institution whereby, a man and a woman come together to be one flesh, which God said because are two but now they have become one, no one in respective of who you are should put in order of assuder. And God expected the institution to be favoured by God and Men, and also to be fruitful to fulfill the injunction of the Lord to go and multiply and replenish on the face of the earth.

Marriage is a very serious business that is why the Bible make it very clear that marriage is not for everybody because it requires a certain aptitude and grace to survive in the school, in the book of Ephesians 5:21-28. Marriage is beyond the physical attraction and emotion attached to it by this present generation even the christian youths and parents. These days our marriage are based on lust, romance and physical attraction, no wonder 95% marriage collapsed after just four years in marriage. Bearing this in mind, so going into marriage life is something worth taking your time to develop mental altitude and personal character to conform to the will of God almighty for the institution since Him is the initiator of this institution.

Marriage is a deeper type of relationship than any other type of relationship because it involve two different set of people from diverse background carrying out specific injunction of God to fulfill His desire for mankind. So, that why God takes a particular attention in this institution called home likewise the enemy Satan. Like every other relationship, marriage needs special attention from those that want to go into it. It something that you cultivate and nurtured as you do to your body, in fact more your marriage than your physical body, because the physical body you put first will one day give way but that which you give to your marriage last longer than you can even imagine, what you give your family and children is what will live even when you are no more. More problem that the christian home are facing today is our inability to develop a healthy relationship with God our creator which invariably means that, our relationship with our fellow creature cannot be healthy.

As a young christian single and those who have already gain admission into this institution, the bedrock to every successful marriage relationship is to make God the founder of this school the foundation of your relationship and marriage.

Wish you all the best of all relationship and marriage as you allow God almighty to be the builder of your home and relationship. Amen!!!!

John Ulebe


Our mission is to make christian youth and youth in general to know the purpose of God in their marriage life. And also to make christian home peaceful and more enjoyable in the presence of God the creator of marriage. It is also paramount in our mind to educate the christian singles how to develop the right mental attitude, character, and Godly behavior for a steady and God approved relationship and ultimately to have a perfect peaceful marriage life.

Bro. Ulebe O John
For: Devine Success

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My name is John Ulebe. I am Christian and a member of the MFM (Mountain of Fire And Miracle Ministries. And I am a young married christian with a lovely daughter and the lord Jesus Christ have laid it in my heart, the burden of to bringing devine peace to young Christian singles' and christian's home. As a co-labourer in the vineyard of God, the Lord in his infinite mercy made me to realised the turmoil and the confusion that characterised the life of young christians when they have reached certain age without a life partner. I also noticed that even the christian home is not also spare of the rage of the enemy as Psalm 2:1-2 put it. Satan raged against the christian home because he knew if there is confusion at the home front, there would be instability also in the Church. In view of this dangerious trend, the Lord have laid it my heart that through me He will educate and reveal the secret and the strategies of the enemy to His children. I prayed that as you will be reading this articles inspired by the Lord Almighty, the life of young christian single will not remain the same again and the peace of the Lord will replace the confusion of the enemy in their life. And the christian home will be what the Lord want it to be in Jesus name. Amen!!!!

Ulebe O John

The Founder (Leader In MFM)

I can be contacted by:
