Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Hello hubbers, today let’s talk about how we can improve our marriage relationship. You know I have previously written on whether any marriage can actually work or flourish without the creator of marriage himself; (God) Gen 1:27-28. I think from my own experience that w actually need God in our relationship to experience peace and stability in it. Well, if you want to have details of my reason, you can visit my hub,”can any marriage succeed without God”In this article, i want to talk about some great ideas you can put to work to improve your marital life. Before we proceed, you must know that, ‘love never fails’ according to 1 corth. 13: 8. That chapter of the scripture made it clear that every other thing can fail except one thing which is love. The question is, if love never fails, then why is it that marriages are failing on daily basis around the world? And we all know that, at the base of every marriage today is found on love, (please note: that love is in quote) and also bearing in mind the highest sacrifice and vow of, “till death do us part” they take on their wedding day, one expected that, they should stick to it selflessly but today the reverse is the case. You see, as I said before in that scripture that I quoted above, ‘love never fail’ and we know the scripture cannot be broken then, the problem is the type of love people profess, “Diluted and selfish based love”. Love is the mother of marriage is all about sacrifice, and marriage suppose to be an alter where the monster called, “I” that selfish representative is crucify finally never to rise again.
However, if your marriage or relationship is facing some challenges, here are some suggested ideas you could use to improve or put a new life to it.
1. RENEW YOUR COMMITMENT: recommitting yourself to your marriage and relationship is very important. As challenges are part of relationship and even life in general. There must be some rough edges in marriage. Or else, what would you expect from two imperfect people? Therefore, it is very important that you recommit yourself to your marriage to rekindle the first love. After all I learnt that in the UK, upon graduation from the university, if you refused to undergo any form of refresher course for the period of five (5) years your certificate is term to be redundant. So, why not you try to win your mate back again? Start to do things that you use to do for the highest good of your mate.
2. ADORPTING THE INITIAL DATING STYLE: those things that you use to do when you were dating, go back to them. Because nobody want to be taken for granted. What I am saying in essence is, keep wooing and winning your mate again and again.
3. LET THE SACRIFICE CONTINUES: give up something for your mate. The master Himself said it that, “he that want to keep his life would loose it but he that give his life for my sake shall have it more abundantly” so for you to improve your relationship, that relationship or marriage must be the alter where the monster called, “I” must be crush. Marriage is where sacrifices are make on a daily basis, when you make sacrifice, it send the right signal. For instance, when you say yes, I know I planned to attend so, so and so function, but I would rather be with you.
4. BE ATTENTIVE, ESPECIALLY TO THOSE LITTLE THINGS: you know little stuffs get forgotten too easily. Little things that turn on mate like paying your wife compliment or buying her a card to say ‘I love you’. Or surprising your husband by hearing his favorite dress and making him his special meal.
5. ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE OF YOUR MATE: this is very important, always emphasis on the positive of your mate, that is why the scripture say that, ‘love covers multitude of sin’ you should know that as you are prone to mistakes and errors as human, so is your mate. So, if you are looking for perfection all the time, then there would be trouble in the camp and the resultant effect is not always good to hear. Instead let your love for him or her as the case may be covers his or her weaknesses and concentrate on the positive side of your partner so there would be improvement on every side of your relationship or marriage.
I hope this few suggestion of mine will do some magic in your relationship and marriage.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Well folks, according to scripture in the Gen 2:24 the institution called marriage is ordained by God Almighty Himself. If that is the case, the question is, can this institution now work without the originator in the picture? Dear hubbers I know a lot people will say but I have seen people who are not religious but their marriage is working. But I must tell you those people whom you think they are enjoying a blissful marriage without God deep inside of them they know, they are not actually fulfilling what God wants marriage to be. Hey friends there is one thing that I have come to realized in the little time I have spent on this earth, “there is no single human on this earth that do not believe deep inside of him or her that there is no God (or at least a supernatural being that control the affairs of human beings on this universe, you can call Him any name you believed or know). Having said that, let’s come to the issue on ground, in the first place, what is marriage and why must God be involve in it?
Marriage according to the scripture, is the coming together of a man and a woman to form one body called family for the purpose of fulfilling the injunction of  GOD ALMIGHTY, i.e. to be blessed and be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and most importantly to have dominion over the whole earth, that is over the beast that move on the earth, fish in the sea, fowl in the air and over every situation in life through the power of God the creator of this institution called marriage (Gen.1:28)”. Well from the definition and purpose of God for marriage I don’t see where the marriage of gay and other kind of pervasiveness have a stand, well let’s leave that for another article.
Bearing in mind what we have discussed so far, we can understand what has become of marriages these days. It is a complete reversal of the whole purpose of God for marriage. For those of us who are in the ministry and working in this area of the ministry, we hear all sort of things going on in this pure and honorable institution called marriage ordained by God for His purpose. The devil has bastardised the whole idea and now what do we see there, selfishness, greediness, hatred at its highest level, violence etc. and today we are seeing the direct result of what is happening at the home front replicating in the society. And everybody is shouting and pushing blame on the leaders here and there but the truth of the matter is that we have to tell ourselves the truth, where is the love, the integrity, justice, tolerance, patience, the understanding, the long-suffering that use to be the hallmark of marriage in those days? They have all gone down the drain of time.
I once read in an article where a man was heading to an appointment and his car develop fault. He try in vain to put it in order, then a man show up and called on him, hey jack what is wrong with your car? He said, I don’t know what is going on. So the other man came and touches one or two things in the car and the car jacked back to live to the amazement of the owner. And he wanted to know the other man’s identity, so he asked, sir may I know you ?  I mean having your business card and to his amazement again the man said, I am the manufacturer of the car. You see hubbers, that is exactly what man is doing, struggling believing that he can do it all alone. We were all taught in school that one plus one is equal to two (1+1=2) but in God’s own calculation in the area of marriage, one plus one is equal to one (1+1=1), is that not a misery why not allow or follow the instructions of Him that say one plus one is equal to one and record success in your relationship.
So folks think about this and God bless.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Marriage is an institution established by God almighty Himself. Is an institution whereby, a man and a woman come together to be one flesh, which God said because are two but now they have become one, no one in respective of who you are should put in order of assuder. And God expected the institution to be favoured by God and Men, and also to be fruitful to fulfill the injunction of the Lord to go and multiply and replenish on the face of the earth.

Marriage is a very serious business that is why the Bible make it very clear that marriage is not for everybody because it requires a certain aptitude and grace to survive in the school, in the book of Ephesians 5:21-28. Marriage is beyond the physical attraction and emotion attached to it by this present generation even the christian youths and parents. These days our marriage are based on lust, romance and physical attraction, no wonder 95% marriage collapsed after just four years in marriage. Bearing this in mind, so going into marriage life is something worth taking your time to develop mental altitude and personal character to conform to the will of God almighty for the institution since Him is the initiator of this institution.

Marriage is a deeper type of relationship than any other type of relationship because it involve two different set of people from diverse background carrying out specific injunction of God to fulfill His desire for mankind. So, that why God takes a particular attention in this institution called home likewise the enemy Satan. Like every other relationship, marriage needs special attention from those that want to go into it. It something that you cultivate and nurtured as you do to your body, in fact more your marriage than your physical body, because the physical body you put first will one day give way but that which you give to your marriage last longer than you can even imagine, what you give your family and children is what will live even when you are no more. More problem that the christian home are facing today is our inability to develop a healthy relationship with God our creator which invariably means that, our relationship with our fellow creature cannot be healthy.

As a young christian single and those who have already gain admission into this institution, the bedrock to every successful marriage relationship is to make God the founder of this school the foundation of your relationship and marriage.

Wish you all the best of all relationship and marriage as you allow God almighty to be the builder of your home and relationship. Amen!!!!

John Ulebe


Our mission is to make christian youth and youth in general to know the purpose of God in their marriage life. And also to make christian home peaceful and more enjoyable in the presence of God the creator of marriage. It is also paramount in our mind to educate the christian singles how to develop the right mental attitude, character, and Godly behavior for a steady and God approved relationship and ultimately to have a perfect peaceful marriage life.

Bro. Ulebe O John
For: Devine Success

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My name is John Ulebe. I am Christian and a member of the MFM (Mountain of Fire And Miracle Ministries. And I am a young married christian with a lovely daughter and the lord Jesus Christ have laid it in my heart, the burden of to bringing devine peace to young Christian singles' and christian's home. As a co-labourer in the vineyard of God, the Lord in his infinite mercy made me to realised the turmoil and the confusion that characterised the life of young christians when they have reached certain age without a life partner. I also noticed that even the christian home is not also spare of the rage of the enemy as Psalm 2:1-2 put it. Satan raged against the christian home because he knew if there is confusion at the home front, there would be instability also in the Church. In view of this dangerious trend, the Lord have laid it my heart that through me He will educate and reveal the secret and the strategies of the enemy to His children. I prayed that as you will be reading this articles inspired by the Lord Almighty, the life of young christian single will not remain the same again and the peace of the Lord will replace the confusion of the enemy in their life. And the christian home will be what the Lord want it to be in Jesus name. Amen!!!!

Ulebe O John

The Founder (Leader In MFM)

I can be contacted by:
